dHAL Software News

November 2023

Publication on medRχiv

Chalazoniti A, Lattanzi W, Halazonetis DJ. Shape variation and sexual dimorphism of the adult human mandible evaluated by geometric morphometrics. doi: 10.1101/2023.11.18.23298726

[mandible template]

November 2023

Bone Atlas update, Version 0.5.0


The Zenodo dataset was updated by including the Template and the file of landmark coordinates. The template comprises 519 landmarks and 8 curves:

[mandible template]

September 2023

Bone Atlas update, Version 0.4.0


The Bone Atlas has been updated. The dataset now includes 115 mandibles that have been manually segmented and converted to PLY files. The Dataset (version 0.4.0) has been uploaded to Zenodo. Note that the previous versions contain some duplicate files that have been removed. Always use the latest version.
Geometric morphometric analysis on 50 male and 50 female mandibles has been performed and the results will be presented shortly. Significant sexual dimorphism was found:

[male-female mandibles]

May 2023

Bone Atlas update, Version 0.3.0


The Bone Atlas has been updated. The dataset now includes 100 mandibles that have been manually segmented and converted to PLY files. The Dataset (version 0.3.0) has been uploaded to Zenodo.

September 2022

Bone Atlas update, Version 0.2.0

The Bone Atlas has been updated. The dataset includes 244 CT and CBCT images, of which 51 mandibles have been manually segmented and converted to PLY files. The Dataset (version 0.2.0) has been uploaded to Zenodo can be found here.

March 2022

[mandible models]

Bone Atlas

The Bone Atlas is now under development and surface models of bones segmented from CT and CBCT images are being progressively uploaded to Zenodo. The Dataset is Open Access and can be found here.

February 2021

[Flag-ERA logo]

MARGO – MAxillofacial bone Regeneration by 3D-printed laser-activated Graphene Oxide scaffolds

dHAL Software is a partner in the MARGO FLAG-ERA project funded by the EU. The MARGO project aims at constructing implants for stem cells driving on laser-activated 3D-printed CAD-based scaffolds. For this purpose, MARGO will use a Graphene Oxide (GO)-based biomaterial. dHAL Software is involved in defect modelling by 3D CAD and Bone Atlas construction. Computed tomography images, representing normal anatomy and a variety of maxillofacial bone defects will be collected. The CT images will be segmented in order to construct a virtual model of the bone surface in the regions of interest (ROI). Each ROI will be landmarked using fixed landmarks and sliding semi-landmarks. Geometric morphometric models of normal variation and average microstructural pattern data will be constructed for each sex and age group to obtain the bone atlas of normal 3D morphology.
For more details and updates, please visit the MARGO website.