Viewbox revision history

Version (released 15 January 2024)

Bug fix and minor update.

Version (released 6 January 2024)

Bug fix and minor update.
Added script editor with Pascal-like language (work in progress).
Computes curvature on meshes.
Selection of mesh vertices.
Creates mesh slices along a path and computes section area.
Better support of DICOM data.
Computes volume thresholding automatically.
Multiple volume rendering.
Calculates fractal dimension using box counting.
Aligns images using mutual information.

Version (released 30 May 2021)

Bug fix and minor update.
Fixes bug that would not read slice thickness from some DICOM files.
Added function to flatten mesh with minimal distortion.
Added function to calculate signed angle in 3D.

Version (released 17 April 2021)

Bug fix and minor update.
Fixes bug that would not load STL files in some 64-bit installations.
Fixes bug that would not load some DICOM slices of a Series.
Added mesh undo capability and option to set the number of undos that are available.
Added Threshold function for images.
Improved colour-map editing.
Colour-maps can be reversed in Mesh Alignment window.
Mesh normals are correctly transformed when freezing the mesh.

Version (released 28 February 2021)

Major upgrade.

Please note:

This version installs in the 'Program Files' folder and places user files in a newly created 'My Documents/dHAL Viewbox 4' folder. This implies that installing this version will not overwrite your previous version. It is recommended that you keep both versions until you are certain that you have migrated all your files. Backup your system before deleting any previous folders or files!
However, if you have been using the BETA version, no actions are necessary, as the BETA version was already using the same installation folders as the new version.
This version has numerous updates, additions and improvements, including:
64-bit version for 64-bit systems, allowing larger memory access.
Support for High-DPI screens.
Better Unicode support.
Better DICOM support.
Mesh functions (booleans, convex hull, hole filling, fairing, cutting, symmetry plane, offset surface (hollowing), and others).
Improved rendering of meshes.
New types of Derived and Digitized Points in Templates.
New options for drawing PCA plots.
Alignment of multiple meshes by ICP.

Version (released 13 March 2013)

Added line thickness and line color to PCA Viewer Plots.
Improved TPS grid drawing and now TPS grids are also exported to 3D PDF.
Updated ambient occlusion.
Updated 3D PDF export to export texture of meshes as well.
Corrected volume renderings and mesh creation for anisotropic voxels.
Added point relocation feature.
Updated Digitise window.

Version (released 13 September 2012)

Added 3D PDF export. All 3D graphics can be exported to a 3D PDF file except for volumes, TPS grids and some other minor objects.
Added option to animate Ortho Slices in movies.
Added option to specify size of datasets that are created in PCA Viewer. 'Create Datasets' now creates the average dataset as well.
Added option to specify decimal point when exporting data, in case data needs to be imported into software that do not recognize decimal digits other than dot.
Numerous bug fixes and small improvements.

Version (released 21 July 2012)

Added 'CurveIntersection' for Derived points.
Added line to show the direction of pure size change in Form Space.
Changed localization system. Languages can be added and supported by users easily, just be editing a text file.
Name of VBR folder was changed to 'Templates' folder.
Added capability to distribute points on selected parts of mesh surfaces in a random fashion.
Added capability to slide points on mesh surfaces until they are uniformly distributed on the mesh.
Added debug log feature, to log program progress and facilitate debugging.
Added support for hardware multisample antialiasing.
Added mesh merging feature.
Numerous bug fixes and small improvements.

Version (released 1 July 2011)

Official release of version 4.

Version (released 24 April 2009)

Added support for hardware accelerated (GPU) volume rendering. Requires graphics card with shader support and OpenGL 2 and above. Nvidia 8 and 9 series cards recommended.